Customer examples
Finished solutions say more than many words.
On this page you will find links to a selection of our work and to form solutions that were created with our products.
More project reports:
Further highlights are described in detail in our customer testimonials and success stories.

AFORMSOLUTION is the form solution of the Canton of Glarus.
- Practice license: Pharmacist
- Practice license: Physician
- Professional license: Chiropractor
- Practice license: Dental hygienist
- Practice license: Druggist
- Professional license: Occupational therapist
- Professional license: Nutritionist
- Professional license: Hearing aid specialist
- Professional license: Midwife or maternity nurse
- Professional license: Heilpraktikerin oder Heilpraktiker
- Professional license: Speech therapist
- Professional license: Medical masseuse or medical masseur
- Professional license: Optometrist
- Professional license: Orthopädistin oder Orthopädist
- Professional license: Orthoptist
- Professional license: Osteopath
- Professional license: Pflegefachfrau oder Pflegefachmann
- Professional license: Physiotherapist
- Professional license: Podiatrist
- Practice license: Psychotherapist
- professional license: veterinarian
- Practice license: Dentist
- Operating license
- Order document: Certificate of origin
- Order document: Civil status card
- Order document: Family ID
- Order document: Partnership certificate
- Order document: Proof of citizenship for Swiss nationals
- Order document: Birth certificate/extract from the CIEC birth register
- Order document: Marriage certificate/extract from the marriage register CIEC
- Order document: Death certificate/extract from the CIEC death register
- Order document: Confirmation of child acknowledgment before or after birth
- Order document: Confirmation of a name declaration

AFORMSOLUTION is the form solution of the Canton of Lucerne.
- Application for the import of livestock
- Application for a further training contract
- Application form for lottery funds
- Approval of own stock inseminator
- Permit for the trade in animals
- Heritage
- Export application for small animals
- Export application for farm animals
- Questions on precautionary noise protection for the installation of air-to-water heat pumps (LWHP)
- Application for assurance of support services
- Application for blocking of holder data
- Directory of creditors
- Hardship case support for officially closed businesses - Canton of Lucerne
- Hardship case support - submit documents
- Hardship case support - repayment by applicant
- Notification form
- Notification of loss of vehicle / vessel registration document

AFORMSOLUTION is the form solution of the Canton of Schaffhausen.
- Danger notification
- Application for additional demolition and disposal costs
- Application to take out construction period insurance
Communes of Schaffhausen - different layouts for the same form:
AFORMSOLUTION is the form solution of the Canton of Solothurn.
- Abfallerhebung bei Gemeinden
- Anmeldung Ferienpass
- Bildungsgesuch / BerufsbildnerInnen-Wechsel
- Survey of public spring water abstraction
- Survey of the withdrawal of public water as drinking or service water or for heating or cooling purposes
- Meldung an das Personalamt
- Meldeformular für Lebensmittelbetriebe
- Meldung für Veranstaltungen über 93 dB(A) gemäß Schall- und Laserverordnung
- Meldung Lageranlage für wassergefährdente Flüssigkeiten

AFORMSOLUTION is the forms solution of the Canton of Zug.
Cantonal forms
- Withholding tax statement
- Duplikat Bestellung (Fähigkeitszeugnis/Notenausweis)
- Application for authorization for the construction of geothermal probes
- Application for service deferral (DVS)
- Request for blocking of holder data
- Kontrollschild - Neuherstellung
- Meldung eines Anlasses (§ 20 PolOrgG) und/oder Bewilligungsgesuch an die Polizei
- Notification of a dangerous goods safety advisor in accordance with Art. 7 GGBV
- New registration for new apprentices from non-cantonal training companies
- Unbedenklichkeitsbestätigung
Community forms
Municipal forms can be offered by all Zug municipalities on the basis of a common set of forms
- Registrations for the music school
- Application for authorization for events
- Bewilligungsgesuch für den Kleinhandel mit gebrannten Wassern
- Bewilligungsgesuch für die Alkoholabgabe in einem gastgewerblichen Betrieb
- Application for permit for one-off extension of opening hours in the hospitality industry
- Application for authorization for generally longer opening hours for catering establishments
- Application for authorization of construction work and excavations in the road space of municipal roads
- Drafting a purchase agreement
- Application for authorization to install a company signpost
- Application for a permit to erect a temporary advertisement
- Application for a permit to erect construction advertisements
- Application form for energy subsidy program
- Neueintritt in den Kindergarten/ die Schule
- Parkkarte online bestellen(nur Gemeinde Hünenberg)
- Verzeigung gegen die Lenkerin / den Lenker des Fahrzeuges

The new, mobile-enabled portal
- Application for a taster apprenticeship
- Application for a career information event
- address-information
- order documents
- Offertanfrage für Dienstleistungen Holzanfertigungen
- Spielbus
- play-bus-rental
- club-directory
- Info evening
- Kontaktformular Spezial
- Bestellung Gutschein
- Kurs Aquafitness
- course snow sports camp
- course sports camp Tenero
- Sportpass extension
- Online timetable for the entire ZVV area
- Aptitude test
- Order tax statement / tax documents
- Account request / contact request
- Contact form special
- Adjustment provisional invoice legal entities
- Adjustment of provisional invoice private individuals
- Order form
- Dangerous fixed point
- Ordering plan copies
- Ordering digital geoinformation
- building-right
- confirmation of social welfare receipt
- Order recognition certificate
- Order marriage certificate
- Order family certificate
- birth-certificate
- generic contact form
- general contact form

AFORMSOLUTION is the forms solution of the Liechtenstein National Administration. The forms database was created by us together with the eGovernment specialist unit ( and is continuously maintained and further developed.
(All forms are available as online forms on, the portal of the Liechtenstein National Administration. Only templates, information sheets and checklists are available in PDF form)