Canton of Lucerne - Project update of a successful introduction

In June 2019, aforms2web and AFORMSOLUTION (AFS) were awarded the contract for the project "Introduction of an online forms solution for the canton of Lucerne". Since then, 50 online forms have been created and more than 60,000 applications have already been submitted. The new AFS infrastructure has proven its worth, particularly during the COVID-19 crisis.

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success stories

Mandatory ship reporting and cleaning in Switzerland: Successfully live in just 3 months!

An online form platform was developed in record time for the Lake Lucerne Supervisory Commission (AKV) and the seven participating cantons of Lucerne,…



Review & presentations: SV-Summit on September 3 in Zurich

The summit for social insurance in Switzerland took place on September 3. 35 participants were able to gain a unique insight into the best practices…


success stories

Online counter with aforms portal integration

On April 24th, the new portal of the canton of Lucerne went live with 100 online forms. We are very pleased to be an integral part of the new online…
